In the expansive Paldea region of Pokémon Scarlet, Life Dew is a must-have item for nurturing and healing Pokémon. This precious liquid holds the power to fully restore a Pokémon’s HP, making it invaluable during intense battles and arduous journeys. If you seek to add Life Dew to your Pokémon’s arsenal, embark on this detailed guide to unlock its restorative secrets.
1. Purchase Life Dew from Poké Marts
Poké Marts, scattered throughout Paldea’s bustling cities and towns, provide a convenient way to acquire Life Dew. Visit any Poké Mart, and you will find Life Dew available for purchase at a cost of ₽2,000. With funds in hand, stock up on this essential item to ensure your Pokémon’s well-being during their adventures.
2. Obtain Life Dew from Auctions
Auctions, held at the Porto Marinada market, offer an alternative avenue for acquiring Life Dew. These lively events present a chance to bid on rare and valuable items, including Life Dew. Participate in auctions, keep an eye on the Life Dew lot, and outbid your competitors to secure this coveted item.
3. Gather Life Dew from Tera Raid Battles
Tera Raid Battles, thrilling encounters where players team up to challenge powerful Tera Pokémon, may yield Life Dew as a potential reward. Engage in these battles, conquer the tenacious Tera Pokémon, and reap the rewards, which may include Life Dew. Consider coordinating with other players to increase your chances of success and maximizing your chances of obtaining this valuable item.
4. Seek Life Dew as a Gift
At certain points during your journey, generous individuals may bestow Life Dew upon you as a token of appreciation or friendship. These rare instances offer a heartwarming way to replenish your stock of Life Dew, fostering a sense of camaraderie in the vibrant world of Pokémon Scarlet.
5. Cultivate Life Dew with Herba Mystica
Herba Mystica, a rare and potent herb found throughout Paldea, possesses the ability to transform into Life Dew. To harness this power, simply acquire Herba Mystica and utilize the TM154 (Cultivate) move with a Pokémon that knows it. By embracing the synergy between Herba Mystica and the Cultivate move, you can cultivate Life Dew, ensuring a steady supply of this invaluable resource.
How To Get Life Dew Pokemon Scarlet
6. Craft Life Dew at the Chansey Supply Shop
Nestled within the bustling alleys of Levincia City, the Chansey Supply Shop offers a unique opportunity to craft Life Dew. Gather the following ingredients:
- x3 Star Piece
- x1 Big Pearl
- x1 Stardust
Combine these ingredients at the Chansey Supply Shop, and witness the creation of Life Dew. With a bit of patience and the necessary materials, you can replenish your stock of Life Dew, ensuring your Pokémon’s health and vitality.